October 6, 2020

Teaching work based activities to make the students creative and self reliant

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Arvind Sachapara

To develop problem-solving skills, creativity and to make students self-reliant, teach them work- based skills through activities such as embroidery, book binding, etc.

Draw up a list of work-based skills; Draw up a list of activities to teach the required work-based skills; Teach students work-based skills through the following activities: Colour making, making magic toys, embroidery, printing, making a vase, oil painting, spray painting, glass painting, book binding, making paper bags and pen stands, video-tape the activities for use as reference next year, make students do the activities independently through watching the videos, evaluate the activities based on the involvement of students, their progress and the amount of collaboration taking place.

Teaching students work-based skills through activities takes learning beyond the curriculum and also involves the use of local knowledge as a resource in learning. This breaks the barriers between the school and the community.

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