Category: Inshodh

Overcoming Water scarcity by digging wells
Babubhai Mor Raise funds from donors and organisations; Involve parents in contributing 10% of the funds required; Dig a 12 feet deep pit in a pond near school; Dig a 20 feet deep well in the school compound. Create a filtering chamber in the pond; Put a plastic pipe in the chamber and connect it […]
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To improve the methodologies amongst teachers by sharing different educational resources
Kamlesh Zapadiya Compile different educational resources for use by teachers; These resources include: Tests, Printable sheets, Games, Useful links, Presentations and videos related to chapters, Stories, Online tests, Resources shared by other teachers, Question forum; Use these resources in the class and encourage all teachers to use them.
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Reading corners in schools Increase access to reading materials
Priti Gandhi To enhance reading skills of students, increase access to reading materials by giving students multiple opportunities to read books in schools as well as at home. Divide books in the school according to levels; procure more books, if required; Organize students according to reading level; Identify a space in school that can be used […]
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Developing a simpler rule of divisibility for 8 to make learning easier
Sursinh Parmar The innovation sprang from the question posed by a student of standard 5, which posed a challenge to teacher to invent a new key to see whether a given number is divisible by 8. He then developed a process to ascertain whether a given number was divisible by 8; See and ensure that the […]
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Better communication, calculations and learning skills by through imitated scenario
Dwarkanath Vitthal Bhosale To inculcate learning in children; To improve the communication skills of children; To help the children know about the fruits and vegetables in their area; To help the children with calculation; In this, the students will play the dual role of the seller and the customer; The kids have to get the […]
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