October 6, 2020

Modifying school atmosphere to promote peer learning amongst children students

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Kamlesh Kosambiya

In order to develop a school infrastructure that promotes education even when children are out of the class, a lot of innovative thinking has to go into the process. Following process may help to define what child-friendly and child-centric school means; 1. In order to establish or develop facility, if needed, mobilize resources from outside. Think about innovative ways to generate required resources (in this case, teacher circulated empty envelopes, wherein people could put as much money as they wished or they could afford, thereby implementing the idea of “Gupt- Dan” (Anonymous Donation). 2. Use the collected money to purchase things/equipments that is not available through school grant (provided under SSA). Remember to keep all the transactions clear and to take SMC into confidence for the entire process. 3. Use each corner of the school compound to create a space, which can be used for some learning process. This will help children to keep learning even when they are playing during recess. The importance of a conducive environment for learning is self-evident. Creation of such an environment helps promote education amongst the under- privileged sections of society.

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