October 6, 2020

Better understanding of mathematics by preparing place value charts

By: SRISTI ORG / Inshodh / 0 comment

Nileshkumar Solanki

To enable students to learn the concept of place value conceptually, prepare a place value chart with different columns for place and space for writing digits. Create a Teaching and Learning Material for teaching Place Value. Use this format for preparing the TLM, Explain the concept of place value theoretically and through examples on the board. Then, show an example of place value by writing the separate digits in the Place Value Chart. Divide students into groups and appoint higher-level students as group leaders. Give the groups time to practice place value using the Place Value Chart. Evaluate students based on oral questions, tests using the Place Value Chart and on tests without the use of the Place Value Chart. Creation of Teaching and Learning Materials that students can use for peer-based and independent learning help in the process of learning through discovery and in developing a conceptual understanding of the subject.

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