What is amaranth flour?

Amaranth flour is a gluten-free, protein-rich flour widely used by the Aztec and Inca civilizations of the pre-Columbian Americas. It is produced by grinding seeds from the amaranth plant into a fine powder. Although technically not a grain,

amaranth yields a buff-colored, grain-like flour that is variously described as nutty, earthy and grassy. Amaranth flour’s protein gets high marks for quality because of its rich content of the amino acids lysine and methionine.

** source : Healthy Eating


What is tapioca flour?

Tapioca is a starch extracted from cassava root, a tuber native to South America. The cassava root is relatively easy to grow and a dietary staple in several countries in Africa, Asia and South America. Tapioca is almost pure starch and has very limited nutritional value

However, it’s naturally gluten-free, so it can serve as a wheat substitute in cooking and baking for people who are on a gluten-free diet. Tapioca is a dried product and usually sold as white flour, flakes or pearls.

Use of Tapioca flour

  • Gluten and grain-free bread: Tapioca flour can be used in bread recipes, although it’s often combined with other flours.


  • Flatbread: It’s often used to make flatbread in developing countries. With different toppings, it may be used as breakfast, dinner or dessert.


  • Puddings and desserts: Its pearls are used to make puddings, desserts, snacks or bubble tea.
  • Thickener: It can be used as a thickener for soups, sauces and gravies. It’s cheap, has a neutral flavor and great thickening power.


  • Binding agent: It’s added to burgers, nuggets and dough to improve texture and moisture content, trapping moisture in a gel-like form and preventing sogginess.

** source : HealthLine


What is water chestnuts?

It is not a nut but a floating aquatic plant that grows in marshes. It is commonly used in Chinese cooking. It is a seasonal fruit that is available only after the monsoon until the start of winter. Devil’s pod, buffalo nut, water caltrop are some of its other names.

It is a knobby edible tuber with a reddish black skin and a white crunchy flesh. The baroquely shaped fruits resemble the head of a bull.

Rinse before use and remove the flesh while being consumed. They have a sweet taste with a slight crunch, somewhat nutty.

Because of their living characteristics, toxic content is formed in the seeds. The fruit is roasted to remove the toxins. While purchasing make sure you buys the ones that look firm and are wrinkle free. Unpeeled chestnuts can last up to a week. They should be stored in the refrigerator.

Use of water chestnuts

Roasted Singhara is consumed as a raw fruit, boiled or is grounded to powder and added as an ingredient in dishes. They are commonly used in Chinese and South East Asian cuisines.

It is dried and made into flour in India. Boiled singharas are sold as a popular street food snack in India.

Singhara fruit and its by-products like the juice and flour are used in cookery and medicine as well.

They are frequently eaten raw or added to stir fries, stuffing and dumplings for texture and it’s sweet flavor. Steamed, the skin takes on a blackened color and it tastes almost like a potato.

** source : Food NDTV