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Kirtan Mandals an institution to pay homage to people who die in village - A case from village Upleta, Gujarat, India

Chokkakula, Srinivas
Introduction to the Institution
Upleta is town and has taluk head-quarters. The population of Upleta is more than 60,000. Though, it is a major urban centre, many households still continue farming. In addition to farming, most of the families have their own business. Major caste groups belong to Patels, Ahirs, Bharwads. Refer to the instituion from the same village for protection of crop fields. One of the elders in the committee could be responsible for Kirtan Mandal. Kirtan Mandal is a religious institution basically to set up to pay homage when somebody dies in the village. This involves conducting bhajans (recitals). They are generally done by the kirtna mandal's members. During this time, it is a practice to contribute some money by the relatives of the deceased to kirtan mandal. The total contributions could go upto Rs 10,000 to more than 25,000.
Coverage of the Institution
Rules for Management of the Institution
(a) Boundary Rules
Spatial and Social: the villagers of Upleta are the beneficiaries.
(b) Governance rules
Kirtan Mandal consists of those elders of the village who participate in the recitals.
(c) Resource Allocation
The funds collected over year are distributed in three parts for different purposes, viz., the first one third of the funds go to Gokul Goshodhan (refer to institution on Gokul Goshodhan), second one third is used for some educational purposes such as providing infrastructure for the school in the village, a new laboratory for the school, last part is used for charitable purposes, such as providing rehabiltation for any farmer met with some disaster/ to the farmer who has gone through losses etc.
Revenue generation for differnt purposes
Upleta village, Gujarat